This is a view looking north across the
burned out house at the front gate. |
This is the work shed and "Pool Room." |
A closer view of looking north. |
This is all that was left of the house. |
Looking south from the gate. |
I walked about 30' further south. |
This is one of the numerous campers
abandoned on the property. |
This is a 20 yard dumpster as we found
on the property. It had been there
three years. There is an old house trailer
behind it that has rusted into the swamp. |
This is an out of focus view into the
room. (We pulled 5 layers of old carpet
out of it.) |
This is another trailer and old swing
set. |
Here are three old "Huge" swamp buggy
tires abandoned in the back of the property.
Notice the abandoned swamp buggy in the
rear? It has rusted into one solid piece. |
This is another out of focus view of the
shop with my mother looking at the mess. |
A view from inside the work shop. |
Another view of the trailer and swing
with a flag pond behind it. |
This is a view looking southwest at an
pick-up topper left to rot in the cypress. |
Still yet another camper and a shed full
junk and useless items. |
This was once the laundry room shed, a
picnic table and BBQ grill. Now overgrown. |
The picnic table. |
The BBQ grill. |
After many hard days of cleaning up and
many more to go. |
The next week, I threw those
in the dumpster. |
The natural hardwood flooring. We
have some drywall to remove. |
Another view from inside the pool room. |
Again |
Again. |
Looking southwest by my truck and popup
camper. (Our refuge.) |
A wider view of the workshop. |
The popup and generator that keeps us
cool. |
All the fire debris from the burned out
house has been removed and now we stack
all the clean burnable trash in the blackened
pit to be burned in the rainy season. |
Looking southwest at an abandoned tank
and other unseen trash in the perimeter. |